Evaluate on Organizations That Were Affected By Hurricane Katrina

Jun 1, 2024 | Uncategorized

Evaluate on Organizations That Were Affected By Hurricane Katrina

Conduct a web search on organizations that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. Please select one business and cover the following:

(a) Provide a background of the organization.

(b) How was the organization’s information systems impacted? What information system-related losses did it suffer?

(c) Describe the information systems related disaster recovery and business continuity that the business had in place?

(d) What were the lessons learned about information systems continuity?

This paper should be 1000+ words, and written in APA Style.

Conduct a web search on organizations that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. Please select one business and cover the following:

(a) Provide a background of the organization.

(b) How was the organization’s information systems impacted? What information system-related losses did it suffer?

(c) Describe the information systems related disaster recovery and business continuity that the business had in place?

(d) What were the lessons learned about information systems continuity?

This paper should be 1000+ words, and written in APA Style.

Evaluate on Organizations That Were Affected By Hurricane Katrina

Conduct a web search on organizations that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. Please select one business and cover the following:

(a) Provide a background of the organization.

(b) How was the organization’s information systems impacted? What information system-related losses did it suffer?

(c) Describe the information systems related disaster recovery and business continuity that the business had in place?

(d) What were the lessons learned about information systems continuity?

This paper should be 1000+ words, and written in APA Style.

Conduct a web search on organizations that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. Please select one business and cover the following:

(a) Provide a background of the organization.

(b) How was the organization’s information systems impacted? What information system-related losses did it suffer?

(c) Describe the information systems related disaster recovery and business continuity that the business had in place?

(d) What were the lessons learned about information systems continuity?

This paper should be 1000+ words, and written in APA Style.

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