RED CROSS UK Change Management

Jun 1, 2024 | Uncategorized


Main task

Students will deliver a project compatible with the tradition and objectives of the Red Cross in UK. Students must justify its effectiveness according to key changing factors and apply theories learned in class.


The Red Cross is a strong brand with a history of helping people in underdeveloped countries. However, they have been slow to adapt to changing times – something they have recognized in their new strategy document (

1. An analysis of the organizational structure of the Red Cross unit that will implement the project. (25%)

You need to demonstrate the insights you discovered that describes why there is a problem. 2. Assessing the external conditions (25%)

You must identify the external factors that may affect your plan for change. 3. Assessing the internal conditions (25%)

You must identify internal factors that may affect your plan for change. 4. The role of the Change Agent (25%)

Since the Change Agent role is crucial, picking the right Change Agents is a critical step. Describe and analyse the characteristics and skill for the suitable change agent for this project


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Your submission must meet the following formatting requirements:

  • Submit one file only.
  • Required file format for main submission: PDF.
  • Additional file format for additional deliverables: PDF.
  • Additional file requirements: None
    Other details:
  • Font size 12
  • Double-spaced
  • Number of words: 1000
    All refencing and citations require Harvard referencing style

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